Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New Blog Link

I have added to my links the blog I began for school. Rather than repeating ideas both there and here I figured I would link the sites. English is now a big part of my life and I am constantly inspired by what I am teaching the kids. Most of the time I will put those inspirations up on my school blog. If you are interested in those ideas you can sift through the homework reminders and look for these thoughts.

If enough of you out there would like me to post those thoughts, or interesting tid-bits on this site so you don't need to sift, then let me know. It is easy enough to duplicate the post on this site as well. If you would rather I didn't let this site be overtaken by English as my life has (I imagine my wife, for one, is already sick of hearing about school related items) then just remain silent.

It's up to you, faithful readers!

P.S. I put up an interesting YouTube video entitled The Shakespearean Baseball Game on the other blog. If you like Shakespeare, or baseball, check it out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HEY!!!! That hurt! I love hearing about school related stuff! 8)! You usually don't tell me enough and I have to pry information out of you! So yeah, if the only to way hear about it is to read it on your blog, then please post it. HA! Love ya!