Monday, July 14, 2008

All-Star Game

Any baseball fans out there? I've been cheering for the Blue Jays since I was born, and still love watching the games. Especially now that I get my summers off--I've missed few games since the start of the season and even fewer since the end of June.

Tonight is the Home Run Derby and tomorrow is the All-Star Game. I'm typing this as I watch the pre-game show. Being a Blue Jay fan makes me an American League fan and for the next two days I get to cheer for many players who I normally dis.

As I sit here listening to the broadcasters talk it's amazing to listen to all the politics, issues, and concerns that come up in professional baseball (and all professional sports I'm sure). I especially like the concern that participating in the home run derby will wreck a hitter's swing. the announcers seem to disagree, but there are players and coaches who dislike the competition. Even Rios' poor hitting is being blamed in part to his participation in the competition last year. The crackdown on steroid use is also being discussed and how the contestants this year are not as "bulky" as in past years. Will this affect the total number of home runs that are hit? I guess we'll find out.

So if you need to get a hold of me the next night or two you better flip on Sports Net first and make sure it's a commercial break.

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