Sunday, October 19, 2008

I am a Blogger

Well, it would appear that I am a blogger. This is post #30 for me and I know I can't give it up now. I have never been a diary writer, but I am opinionated and this is a wonderfully excellent forum for sharing opinions. I have also given up on Facebook; actually, I gave up on it before I even began, but have found that my blog allows me to share things like pictures and experiences, just like Facebook, but without the incessant, mundane, and frivolous chatter. I also have hopes of one day becoming a writer, a published writer, a published writer of something that a publisher actually feels is worthy to be published, rather than a poetry contest or a self-published blog. (If there are any publishers out there reading this leave mea coment.) This blog is a step in the right direction, as I get to share my thoughts and ideas with the public--assuming "the public" is actually reading. Either way, it's sharing.

I waited until June 28 of this year to begin my blog because that was the last day of school for me. I was a little concerned that with my career as a teacher that I would not have time to blog. As school began this year I wondered if my blog would fall into disrepair. It's now a month and a half into the new school year and I seem to be keeping up. Maybe it's because I have forced every student I teach (about 75 of them) to begin blogs and write something twice a week. I'd feel like a bit of a hyprocrit telling them to make time if I wasn't going to be willing to. Though, if you remember back to my first post this wouldn't bother me as much as some may think it would.

I am happy that I took this opportunity to try something new and different. And I thank my father-in-law for getting my father into blogging, and my father for getting me into it. I am looking forward to continued writing for a long time to come. I find it a good oulet for my feelings, thoughts, experiences, likes/dislikes, complaints, and for staying in touch with the world. Please, continue to feel free to leave comments and please keep visiting.


John K said...

Hi Jon,
Totally off-topic, but I thought the kids might like this... If the link works, it's a Raven Truck Accessories colouring book. Of cours any of your multitude of other readers are welcome to access it as well.

Dad K

Nicky said...

Hi Jonathan,

I commend you on keeping up with your blog. As I recently wrote in my own blog, regular posting is a necessity in keeping the spirit of a blog alive and growing. I also thank you for the indirect challenge you present me, to be more conscientious in keeping my own writing going. I would like to hide behind the excuses of a busy life, but my heart doesn't believe that, so I must look deeper at my motives; this leads me to acknowledge that I am not being a good steward of my time, and that conviction spreads into other aspects of my life, forcing me to re-examine my priorities - isn't is wonderful how God can use a blog to touch the heart of those who follow Him?

Maybe this makes more sense to me than anyone else, but I needed a jolt back toward center, and your writing has provided it. Bless you, Jon, and keep reading and writing, you are being used in mighty ways.

Jonathan D. Groff said...

Thank you for your kind words Nicky. It really is wonderful how God will speak to us in ways that are meaningful to us.

Now that I wrote this I guess I am feeling the pressure to ensure I keep it up--but that's a good thing.

Thanks for the comment.

Oh, and dad, I like the colouring page--I plan to print it off on the weekend for the kids. They'll have lots of fun with it.